Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a list of answers to questions we get asked a lot!

  • Yes! We have a large selection of trees up to 16 feet this year. Please be prepared and properly equipped to cut down and carry out these large trees. Anything over 8 feet cannot be bailed.

  • Pricing With Sales Tax Included:

    Up To 8 Feet: $70

    Over 8 Feet-$10/ Foot

    Pre-Cut Trees 7-9 Feet: $70

  • Pricing on these varies and is dependent upon the size and decorations you choose. Feel free to inquire more specifically while visiting the shop. Rest assured we have something for any budget.

  • Yes, you are welcome to bring along the family dog to help search for the perfect tree. We just ask that dogs be left on leash at all times.

  • Unfortunately we cannot allow chainsaws. However we do supply hand saws free of charge. You may also use your own electric saw such as a Sawz-All.

  • We do provide lengths of twine to help tie your tree to your vehicle. But it is highly recommended that you bring your own tie downs/rope. Twine does not work well with all vehicle configurations.

  • We can certainly give you a hand loading your tree onto/into your vehicle (if staffing permits). But, we do require you to secure it/tie it down yourself.

  • Yes, we take cash, check & credit. Unfortunately at this time we do not accept Venmo.

  • Unfortunately we no longer allow the tagging of trees.

  • Unfortunately we do not allow vehicles to be driven into the fields. If you are purchasing a large tree these can be very heavy. Please bring appropriate help to handle your purchase, including transporting from the field to the checkout area and loading your vehicle. Our carts cannot handle the larger trees. We recommend you bring a canvas to drag your tree to checkout. This keeps the trees protected from the ground.