2022 Season Update

If the following looks familiar, it’s probably because you saw it on Facebook. Regardless, please take a moment to read over some important information regarding the 2022 season. We look forward to seeing you all!

“This season we have doubled the size of our farm and will have thousands of trees available up to fourteen (14) feet. The majority of the trees are Fraser firs followed by Concolor firs. There is a limited amount of White spruce available.

We continue to offer free shaking and bailing of your tree, however trees in excess of 10 feet cannot be shaken. We have tree carts that will allow you to get the tree out of the field with a minimum of effort. Larger trees over ten feet will not fit and the carts and we recommend bringing a tarp/canvass that would allow you to drag the tree back without damaging the branches.

If you plan on cutting a larger tree, we recommend bringing a ruler to measure the tree prior to cutting it.

Please bring enough help if you plan on cutting a larger size tree. Our staff cannot assist in cutting any trees in the field.

Payment must be made prior to loading the tree on your vehicle. A receipt in the form of a Kling fertilizer card will be supplied to show proof of purchase. We have string available to tie the tree onto your vehicle. Farm employees cannot assist in tying the tree for you due to liability issues.”



Big News!